Sunday 29 June 2014

Friday 27 June 2014

Clay Christensen on the recent debate surrounding his theory of disrupti...

Many misunderstand the theory.

Many twist the vocabularies' meaning.

Theory evolves through the time and get stronger by attacking and correcting.

It is great to study the theories by coming to class to discuss what it cannot handle or explain.

Do not critic the first beginning of the theory, instead, you have to question the current evolved version to go forward.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Dan Gilbert: The psychology of your future self

I think we, as Syrian, need these kinds of tests to notice and appreciate our past and future changes especially in these hard days.

We, as Syrian and Arab or may be current Muslims in general, hardly notice our changes, and we do respect stillness more than change.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Keep Your Meeting from Going Off-Track

It is essential to call for minimum official meetings.

And when you call for an official meeting, it is your responsibility to make it worth by good preparing (before), good managing (during), and good following (after).

HBR produce a good handbook of practical tips about meetings.
Here are some tips to face one of the meeting issues.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Khan: Is short selling bad?

Interesting positive opinion about "short selling"!
Mr Khan was a hedge fund manager.
We have to understand all opponents before we divide our own opinion and our action.
And goog critics comes only after understanding opponents.

Is short selling bad?: A discussion of the virtues and/or vices of short selling.